Spirit Speak: Your Divine Soul Language

Picture of Crystal


Wisdom Weaver

"Your soul’s language, or your Spirit Speak, is unique to you. It’s purpose is to protect, guide and support you on your journey in this lifetime."

Are you familiar and fluent with your soul's language?

There are some things that I know and believe with every fiber of my Being. I believe we are all born intuitive, divinely connected and loved.  I also believe that each and everyone of us has our very own Spirit Speak, a language our soul uses to communicate with us through our Divine connection.

Your soul’s language, or your Spirit Speak, is unique to you.  Its purpose is to protect, guide and support you on your journey in this lifetime.  When we are born, we are fully fluent in this language, yet have no other form of communication to decipher or humanly communicate with others aside from emotion.

Allow me to give you an example I am certain you’ve seen play out in one form or another.  You are at a friend or family gathering, it’s early in the gathering because you really wanted to spend a little one-on-one time with your female relative who had her baby a few months ago before everyone else arrives.  You had a wonderful private visit, the baby was cooing and first smiles began to appear.

The guests begin to arrive and at first the baby, while more alert, seems fine.  Then, one of the guests shows up a bit out of sorts, a recent disagreement, traffic, upsetting news, etc.  Now, this person may or may not be drawing attention to their emotional status, but when they come near the baby, the baby suddenly begins to cry.  Sound familiar?

This is the baby responding to an energy that doesn’t make him/her feel safe.  Though the baby has no idea why, it feels a disruption in it’s own energy and the only means of responding is it’s only means of human communication- crying, or not crying.

Intuitively, behind the scenes, through its divine connection, the baby’s Spirit Speak is telling him/her that something isn’t right much like when you get an uneasy or not-so-good feeling about a person, place or even which way to go in order to  get where you are going.  This is your intuition and your soul language at work.

Your Divine Soul LanguageYour Spirit Speak is ALWAYS communicating with you, even when you aren’t ‘listening’.  For instance, when you are; trying to make a decision, seeking guidance and/or support, creating, praying, meditating, dreaming, walking, driving, etc.

So, how do you learn the language of your soul when it is unique to you?  You strengthen your intuitive senses by developing a spiritual practice and ‘tuning in’ to your divine connection with the Divine, your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels and Your Highest Self, (which I often refer to as your Inner Goddess).

Intuitive senses are aligned with our human senses of sound, sight, smell, touch and taste and are referred to as the clair’s.  Each one of us has a different sense that is dominant for us.  However, the more you practice tuning in, the stronger each one of these senses becomes, making it easier for you to learn your soul’s language.

As you read the list below, I am certain you will be able to identify with at least one of them.  The main, or most common, clair’s are:

ClairAudienceis clear, inner hearing.  For me this is like listening to FM Mono or AM radio as it can be staticky, distant sounding or echoy-yet it is happening inside your head.  And it can also be crystal clear and sound like a whisper-a whisper or voice you not to be yours.

ClairVoyance is Inner Vision, can come in flashes or as elaborate as a movie playing out in your brain, much like when reading a book you get flashes, pictures and movies playing out in your head, or you may even ‘see’ a shadow or something in your peripheral vision, but when you turn your head it isn’t there. 

ClairAlience is smell- smelling something that isn’t physically in your environment.

ClairCognizance Intuition, think Gibbs from NCIS “I know it in my gut”.  A clear undeniable knowing without knowing how you know, and you act on it naturally, without questioning.

ClairSentience is having a clear feeling of someone else’s physical symptoms.

ClairGustance is taste- tasting something that physically is not in your environment.

Why go into the clair’s when this article is about learning your soul’s language? 

You see, your Spirit Speak IS YOUR INTUITITVE COMMUNICATION.  The more you tune in and strengthen it, the more complex you realize this language is.  Yet, it becomes easier and easier to recognize and decipher because it is meant for you to do so!

Here are some tips to help you develop a spiritual practice, strengthen your intuitive senses and become fluent in your Spirit Speak:  

  1. Give yourself permission to take YOU TIME.
  2. Commit by scheduling uninterrupted YOU TIME and taking it without other people, cell phones, televisions or computers.
  3. Gather items that will support you in your practice; journal/sketchbook and pen, a candle, crystals, oracle cards, something to drink, etc.
  4. Create SACRED SPACE by clearing your energy and calling in your spiritual allies.
  5. Set your intention.  It can be, “In this sacred space, I’d like to learn my Spirit Speak or hear, see, feel my divine connection or make a decision about ___.   
  6. Then, enter into quiet contemplation/meditation/prayer space to receive the guidance and support you are looking for. If you are brand new or have a lot of buzzing in your brain, you may want to try a guided meditation.
  7. Take note of how your intuitive senses show up and what they ‘say’.  You will be able to track the intricacies of your Spirit Speak and in this way learn your soul’s language. 
  8. Remain dedicated and diligent.  Like learning any skill, it takes time and practice-LOTS of practice- to hone.  Believe in yourself and keep at it!

For some, their Spirit Speak is most clear in their dreamtime, while for others it communicates through song, symbols, nature and is paired with a whisper or feeling.  It can come in numerous combinations and change how it comes through the more you connect with it.

It is a beautiful gift we are each born with.  

Remember, the Divine Guides, your Soul Leads and your Spirit Speaks.  Are you ‘listening’?

If you find yourself challenged, unsure and disconnected from your Spirit Speak, I invite you to apply to work with me where I can support you in working through what is keeping you from your sacred self and the divine intuitive gifts we were all born with.

If you enjoyed this article, you will definitely want to claim your F R E E, Rituals to Nurture Your Goddess Soul gift set, my gift to you! 

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