Harvest season has begun and Autumn is almost here. The colors are changing, the leaves are beginning to drop, the night air is refreshingly chilly and harvest season is at its height!
If you are like me and the frigid wintry temperatures aren’t your cup of tea, then now is the time to get out and about in nature and enjoy those last bits of pleasant weather.
Connecting with nature is an innate need that we as humans really must have for our health and wholeness of Mind, Body & Spirit.
I find it absolutely timely to take a moment and share what ‘priestess’ and ‘priestess path’ mean to me. Priestess is that aspect of yourself that is completely connected spiritually, meaning you are absolutely in tune with your intuitive senses, the elements and the natural cycles of the seasons, nature, the moon and the cosmos.
The priestess path then is the practice of being in tune with the innermost aspect of your very being in conjunction with your intuitive senses & and the natural cycles of everything I mentioned above.
If you find yourself seeking your priestess prowess, or are newly arrived on or the Priestess Path, then syncing with the cycles of the season and connecting with nature and the elements is definitely something to get to know and feel intimately with every aspect of your being.
Just in case you don’t live in the middle of the woods, you can connect with nature by visiting a nearby park, garden or beach and:
- Stand barefoot in the grass or on the shore of a beach and engage your senses
- Sit amongst the beauty of nature and appreciating it-get comfy under a tree, or find a patch of earth and have a picnic
- Garden-if you have your own, getting your fingers in the dirt is a great way to connect-gloves or not.
While you are connecting with nature around you, allow it to help you connect within by:
- Thinking about all that the trees have witnessed in their lifetime. Truly the thought of the secrets they keep is incredulous!
- Reflecting on all that has transpired over the past season(s). What has happened in your life? What has caught you off-guard? What has happened that you planned for?
- Taking a compassionate inventory of what you have going on in your life and deciding what needs to be cleared and what needs to be nurtured are just the beginning of what a good walk with just you, yourself and you can offer.
Observing life and being in awe of the relationship that everything has with everything else is BEing present and connecting with nature. Connecting with nature we are surrounded by life force energy from the elements, Mother Nature, Luna & the cosmos. All of these, as well as our own divine connection, grant us access to our priestess self.
Cycling with the seasons helps us to stay connected with our inner nature. Fall (and Spring) Equinoxes are about balance as they signify days of equal light and darkness. So while you are out and about connecting with nature around you and within you, take the above suggestions a step further:
- Are you living a balanced life?
- Are you eating healthy and balanced meals?
- Are you getting enough physical exercise?
- Are you getting enough sleep?
- Do you have downtime to replenish and recharge?
- Are you working too much to your own detriment and that of those you love?
- How are your relationships? Fulfilling or lacking authentic connections?
- Do you have creative outlets?
- If you aren’t living a balanced life, what things can you do and what things can you let go of in order to live life more balanced and connected?
The suggestions and reflections here are merely the beginning to help you find and remain on your path and to live a connected & balanced life.
Just like that closet that is bursting at the seams and needs to be cleaned out so too; does your energy field and those ‘files’ floating around endlessly in your mind. Connecting with nature and cycling with the seasons allows the space to open for you to connect and balance.
Do yourself and your Inner Priestess a HUGE service and do something to connect with nature both in the outer world and the nature of your inner world. You’ll thank yourself for it!
You never know, like the trees, it may be time to shed your colors so you can don a new color palette of your very own.
If you would like to learn more about how to connect with your priestess self and walk the priestess path of the Divine Feminine, then you are in the perfect place to work with me! Simply schedule a Discovery Session today.
2 thoughts on “Connection & Balance on the Priestess Path”
Thank you.
You are so welcome Helen!