Crystal's Books
My Published Works

Awaken Your Divine Wisdom
by Crystal Cockerham
Crystal’s 4-part Guided Meditation and Journal bundle, Awaken Your Divine Wisdom: A Guided Journal Expedition to Explore Your Universe & Decode Its Secrets puts the power of transformation at your fingertips!
These powerful meditations with their accompanying journal are a powerful means to dive deep into your subconscious and Awaken Your Divine Wisdom! In the meditations I take you on a mystical journey into your inner landscape that engages all your senses, guides you through elemental rituals that involve cord cutting, purification & releasing, and supports you in creating and maintaining a sacred space to visit those aspects of yourself that are calling out for you to reconnect with.
You might be wondering, what about the journal? It is the perfect accompaniment to help you process in your conscious state of mind with carefully and gently executed cues that guide you to retrieve your experience from the meditations with further teaching and guiding here to to help you consciously deepen into the alchemical process.

Midlife Mojo
There comes a time in every woman’s midlife journey, whether at thirty-five or sixty, when she experiences a yearning from within—a restlessness, a calling—from the deepest recesses of her heart calling her to own her light.
For some, the yearning shows up as a gentle nudge whispering to her. For others, it manifests as a shout with a sense of urgency. No matter how it shows up, it’s a calling to reclaim her inner mojo—her own unique magic and feminine wisdom.
But she won’t fully be able to appreciate what she hears until she walks the often bitter road of self-discovery, slowly peeling back layer after layer of false masks and limiting beliefs until the separation between herself and her soul no longer exists.
As a woman says, “Yes” to her inner light, she sheds the illusions of who she thought she had to be, the roles she thought she had to play, and the limiting beliefs about her self-worth to discover that within her was the magic to co-create her life from a place of truth and authenticity.
On that day, she will come face-to-face with her inner mojo—her divine essence—and the two will become one, embracing, dancing, and celebrating the homecoming.
In Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo, you will meet a collective of empowered women whose stories of self-discovery and transformation reflect the grit, courage, and perseverance it took to change course in the middle of their lives—which will inspire you to reclaim your midlife mojo.

Life Reimagined
Life isn’t meant to be lived in black and white, devoid of love, radiant health, fulfilling relationships, success, and self-worth. Simply existing. Life is meant to be lived in technicolor, filled with unbridled passion, truth, and joy.
The pages of Life Reimagined are filled with stories of women just like you who listened to the whispers of their hearts and souls to move beyond the weight of fear and self-doubt to create lives they envisioned. Life Reimagined is a must-read for any woman who wishes to be inspired by women who chose to hope and dream—then mindfully created the lives they wanted using their souls as guides and truth as a beacon. The journaling prompts that follow each story invite you to dive deeper into your story and to reimagine your life from a lens of possibility.

365 Days of Self-Love
Imagine a world where you were just as kind to yourself as you are to everyone else, where you become your own best friend and biggest supporter. 365 Days of Self-Love is where you will find daily short, easy-to-follow exercises filled with wisdom from others who have put loving themselves as a priority in their lives. As you put to practice the exercises in this book, you will see many aspects of your life change in a positive way.
Learning to love yourself in every way does not have to be difficult, you just need to be consistent. This book will help you put yourself first every day. Warning! As you learn and apply the wisdom shared in this book you may just see a new side of yourself you never knew existed.

Radical Self-Love
Radical Self Love is about being conscious and fierce in your practice of self -love so that the challenging times become easier. All relationships start with radically loving yourself first so you can then show up confident and secure creating strong, healthy, and loving relationships with others, ready to give and receive Radical Love. This book provides you with many different ideas and practices from 8 experts that you can implement right away, supporting you on your Radical Self Love journey.

Kindness Crusader
This book is filled with beautiful kindness quotes and stories to inspire your random acts of kindness. We hope to initiate you as a Kindness Crusader as you work alone, with your family, or build something transformational in your community. Inside you will find the website where you can download and print your Acts of Kindness Calendars and BINGO cards or have access to the templates to create your own! Available on Amazon.

The Path of the Sacred Feminine
Four women share their excellent experience and show how to get out of the darkness into the light. It is a unique opportunity to meet us in the Garden of the Sacred Feminine. Kindle only.

2020 Inspirational Almanac

Dance of the Women's Souls

My Journey My Journal

Soul-Hearted Living
This uplifting 365-day journal from Intuitive & Spiritual Psychologist Dr. Debra Reble, the award-winning international bestselling author of Being Love and Soul-Hearted Partnership, invites you to pause, reflect, and rejoice as you center on each day’s lesson before meditating on that day’s positive affirmation.
Along with daily reflections and affirmations from Dr. Debra, you’ll also tap into the feminine wisdom found in the collective of daily original inspirational quotes from women in her sacred community, as well as some of today’s leading luminaries.
Soul-Hearted Living invites you to embrace your courageous heart, tap into the wisdom of your soul, see the beauty in all aspects of life, and love yourself and others through it all—one day at a time. Available on Amazon.

Are you ready to step through your fears and SHINE? So many of us, at one time or another, have dimmed our light, and hidden our authentic selves.
Maybe we felt we had to wear a mask, or live by the “shoulds” and “have-tos” of our family or society. Maybe we were told we were “too much” or “too loud,” and so made ourselves smaller to fit in.
Then, something changed. We woke up. We had an “a-ha” moment. We made a choice. And we decided that it was more painful to keep our true selves hidden in the dark than to shine as brightly as we dared.
And in that moment, everything changed.
From the publisher behind the international best-sellers Midlife Transformation and Courageous Hearts and the best-selling trilogy, Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul™ comes a new collection of illuminating, heart-opening stories by women, about women, and for women.
In SHINE!, Linda Joy asks a collective of empowered feminine leaders to revisit the moment in which they decided to shine their light as brightly as they–dared the moment when they decided to take off their masks and stop playing small in their lives, their relationships, their missions, their health, and their work.
These moments, whether big or small, momentous or quiet, each triggered a landslide of change that brought down the walls these women had built to hide their true selves, and empowered them to step onto life’s stage like the superstars they are.
Each of us is a supernova in disguise, a brilliant light that can illuminate the world. Let these powerful stories show you how you, too, can let your light shine as a beacon in your own life, and the lives of others. Available in both paperback & Kindle on Amazon.